The Plant Biology Europe meeting will be held in person over 3 and a half days, at the Palais du Pharo in Marseille (France) from July 3 to 6.
This international meeting will cover a wide range of Plant Science topics across multiple disciplines and at different scales. Previous editions in Copenhagen and Turin attracted around 900 scientists from Europe and around the world.
Among the many different themes that will be addressed during the meeting, a particular emphasis will be placed on plants and climate changes, algal biology and bioenergy.
We are bringing you a little a taste of the conference content by showing you some of the presentations:
- Gene DNA methylation in plants: Selective pressures and sex chromosome evolution (A. Muyle).
- Uncovering the hidden half of plants: discovering novel ways roots sense and adapt to heterogeneous environments (M. Bennett).
- Structure, function and host control of the rhizosphere microbiota (D. Bulgarelli).
- How to conquer a plant using just eight genes: learning from geminiviruses (R. Lozano-Duran).
- Controlling communication during reproductive development: The genesis and roles of apoplastic barriers (G. Ingram).
- Arabidopsis thaliana natural variation for photosynthesis: a model to guide improving crop photosynthesis? (M. Aarts).
- Getting organised – the (re)evolution of fertility after genome duplication (K. Bomblies).
- Learning to build and interrogate the pangenome of Brachypodium distachyon (B. Contreras-Morera).
- A central role of root symbionts: the plant response to environmental stresses (R. Balestrini).
- P-bodies and post-transcriptional gene regulation in plant reproduction and stress response (K. Riha).
- J. de Meaux and M. Barberon (Titles to come).
- Hear about cutting-edge science and the newest advances in the field
- Discuss current environmental challenges and ways to overcome them
- Explore the full scope of plant biology
- Build and extend your scientific network
- Share your research
Learn more following this link